You may have reached this page because a configuration error has occurred. Debug information is below.

Check Status Description
PHP version This tests whether you are running at least the minimum version of PHP required by Ampache.
Dependencies This tests whether Ampache dependencies are installed.
PHP hash extension This tests whether you have the hash extension enabled. This extension is required by Ampache.
SHA256 This tests whether the hash extension supports SHA256. This algorithm is required by Ampache.
PHP PDO extension This tests whether you have the PDO extension enabled. This extension is required by Ampache.
MySQL This tests whether the MySQL driver for PDO is enabled. This driver is required by Ampache.
PHP session extension This tests whether you have the session extension enabled. This extension is required by Ampache.
PHP iconv extension This tests whether you have the iconv extension enabled. This extension is required by Ampache.
PHP JSON extension This tests whether you have the JSON extension enabled. This extension is required by Ampache.
PHP intl extension This tests whether you have the intl extension enabled. This extension is required by Ampache.
PHP cURL extension This tests whether you have the cURL extension enabled. This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience.
PHP zlib extension This tests whether you have the zlib extension enabled. This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience (zip download).
PHP SimpleXML extension This tests whether you have the SimpleXML extension enabled. This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience.
PHP GD extension This tests whether you have the GD extension enabled. This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience.
PHP memory limit override This tests whether Ampache can override the memory limit. This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience.
PHP execution time override This tests whether Ampache can override the limit on maximum execution time. This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience.
PHP max upload size This tests whether Ampache can upload medium files (>= 20M). This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience.
PHP integer size This tests whether Ampache can manage large files (> 2GB). This is not strictly necessary, but may result in a better experience. This generally requires a 64-bit operating system.
PHP mbstring.func_overload This tests whether PHP mbstring.func_overload is set as it may break the ID3 tag support. This is not strictly necessary, but enabling Ampache ID3 tag write support (disabled by default) along with mbstring.func_overload may result in irreversible corruption of your music files.
Configuration file readability This test attempts to read config/ampache.cfg.php. If this fails the file is either not in the correct location, or not readable.
If you are installing Ampache for the first time you can ignore this warning and proceed to the installer.  Web Installation
Configuration file validity This test makes sure that you have set all of the required configuration variables and that Ampache is able to completely parse your config file.
Database Connection This attempts to connect to your database using the values read from your configuration file.
Database tables This checks a few key tables to make sure that the Ampache database exists, and the user has access to the database
Web Path    EnableEnable    This test makes sure that your web_path variable is set correctly and that we are able to get to the index page. If you do not see a check mark here then your web_path is not set correctly.